Sunday, February 9, 2014

Coca-Cola Part 2

The other side of the argument says that Coca-Cola was defacing a patriotic song.  This side could also display a valuable argument. As Americans, we generally sing patriotic songs in English. However, as an American you have freedom of speech as one of your first amendment rights. As an American you should be able to sing a patriotic song in whichever language you prefer. American’s have this freedom we should not question it. Another problem people had with this commercial was that it showed a gay couple, a man and a man together with their adopted daughter. All I have to say to that is this is the 20th century, it’s time we except this as normal. People have a right to love who they love, or speak their own language. This is the freedom of America.

Although this commercial stirred up controversy, the reality is that America is a country made up of different cultures and beliefs and with these different cultures comes different languages, and that’s what America is, we need to remember where we came from. Our nation is one nation; no matter what language we speak or who we love. That is our right as Americans. I applaud Coca-Cola for taking our nation, back to its roots whether people acknowledge this or not Coke did a good deed by airing this commercial. America is Beautiful and this beauty comes from the cultures and beliefs of our nation.

 Work Cited

1. Shin, Hyon B., and Robert A. Kominski. "Language Use in the United States: 2007." U.S. Department of CommerceEconomics and Statistics Administration., Apr. 2010. Web. 9 Feb. 204. <>.
2. “US Population by Year." US Population by Year. Web. 9 Feb. 2014.

I want to know what you think.. comment below to let me know your true feelings on the Coca-Cola 2014 Super Bowl commercial.

Do you think it crossed the line?

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