Sunday, April 6, 2014

E-Cigarette Poisoning in Children

Have you ever called the U.S. Poison control center? If so, has it even been due to E-Cigarettes? Many people are being poisoned recently by E-Cigarettes. E-Cigarettes are electronic cigarettes, that are battery powered and let people inhale the nicotine vapors.

An article can be found here:

According to the above article, “More than half of the poisoning reports involved children age 5 and younger, including many kids drawn to the nicotine-laced liquids flavored like fruit, bubble gum and soda pop, which come in containers ranging from small vials to multi-gallon jugs that are not required to be childproof.”

Can you image your five year old self, smoking an E-Cigarette? This is ridiculous to me that kids have access to these things now days. I mean I understand that most parents wouldn’t just hand their young child a cigarette but how do they not keep them away from their children?

According to CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, the liquid nicotine that is used within E-Cigarettes can be very hazardous. This wasn’t very surprising to me to be honest. I would think it would be just as harmful, if not more than smoking a traditional cigarette.

“Between September 2010 and February 2014, there were 2,405 calls about e-cigarettes to the nation’s 55 poison control centers, and about 16,248 calls about conventional cigarettes, the study found.”

This is crazy how hazardous these things can be to the human body. Why would anyone want to put those liquids into themselves or their children?

The article stats that just a teaspoon of these cigarettes could have the ability to kill a child, wow.

The purpose of this article was to explain to people how important it is to keep these devices out of the reach of children. I hope people do this now! That would be such a ridiculous way for your child to die, all because you were too foolish to keep a dumb E-Cigarette out of their reach.

Makers of these products may claim these are safe, but there’s no guarantee for your children! Be safe when using this product!

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