Sunday, October 27, 2013

I just don't get it.


Why are things in the news that aren't news worthy? Everything in the news is unimportant. Seriously, some of the stuff they put in the newspapers and on the news really make me question the intelligence of people in that field of work. 

Okay, not everything is stupid but still. We need to learn about things that are real life issues. Not just Miley. 

I get on my computer to do homework, and I click on the internet. My home page is and there are always news articles on the homepage. I usually scroll through them just to see what's going on and there are usually some interesting titles that catch my eye.

I usually click on the titles that are unusual but still for the most part they are all celebrity scandals. Like leave those people alone. We don't care if Justin Bieber did this or if Kim Kardashian did that.

I'm a fan of Miley Cyrus but no one wants to read about these things every single day.

Let's get something news worthy people. Come on.

We need to be educating the people of this country, not telling them what Lady Gaga wore to the music awards.

News outlets all over are turning to mush.

People criticize my generation but really our parents’ generation isn't educating us on what really matters in life.

We need stories about how to stop hunger, which animals we need to save and protect, which things are better for our environment. Not what clothes celebrities are wearing now a days?

Come on people.

Get with it.

Being on my schools newspaper I really do care about real life issues.

That’s what I want to read about. That's what most people want to read about. It's not just me. Yes I do like my occasional celebrity story but that shouldn't be on the news. 

So please, news outlets start writing about something important.

You are just dumbing us down by not writing about important things. Why would you do that?

I just don’t get it.

So there's my rant, and I apologize to whoever is reading this. But seriously this makes me angry. 

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