Saturday, March 22, 2014

Girl world

It's hard to survive in girl world.

Being a girl in high school is hard sometimes, you have those mean girls after your every move, you’re friends who freak out on you for what you feel is no reason, and then you have boy troubles, or you have to worry about making the dance team, or acne, or your homecoming dress, so many extra things that teenage girls have to deal with on top of school.
Life is hard being a girl, but being a girl in high school. Now that is ten times harder. Why does it have to be so hard? I don’t know it just is. Being a girl, I would say I am pretty low maintenance, and don’t let much get to me. But still it can be very stressful sometimes. You worry about fitting in work, and practices, and your friends and family. It’s hard.
And the worst part is, you are always expected to be happy. Like why do I always have to have a smile on my face? Why can’t my mom just leave me alone sometimes? Why do guys have to be immature and make jokes that make you feel self-conscious sometimes?
The biggest question is,
I try my hardest to not do this but I just can’t help it. I have no idea why but being a teenage girl means that every little thing sets you off your game and makes you question everything. It sucks.
The hard life of a teenage girl is portrayed in a lot of movies. It’s always a story line about a girl being bullied by other girls, however it usually doesn’t happen this way in real life.
Usually, it’s your own friends that are tearing you down. I am happy to say I have separated myself from these sources of drama in my life and honestly I am a lot happier now because of it.
It’s not that your friends want to tear you down, but when one of your friends gets mad at you, even for something little it can turn into a big fight if you’re a teenage girl.
There is an article that sparked my rant about the life of a teenage girl.
This article talks about how movies depict teenage girls.
This article can be found here:
This article features 10 movies that discuss the dramas of a teenage girl. These movies we find them entertaining, and laugh at them and love them. But we really need to think about how teenage girls in our own lives are really suffering and not in a funny way because being a teenage girl is tough.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Five Four"

Back to another trimester of blogging, another three months to blog three times each week and try to find something to write around 400 or more words about. As I am sitting here in my class thinking about what I can blog about, I remembered that this week my brother told me about a clothing line that some NBA players endorse. This isn’t an ordinary clothing line though. Since this was recent and my blog is classified as a blog about analyzing current events I thought this would fit nice.

This clothing line is called “Five Four”. The reason it is unique is because it is for men only and each man must sign up for a membership to this clothing line. When signing up for this membership each male pays a monthly fee and fills out a survey on what they like and what  they like to wear, as well as what size they wear. These men then receive an outfit each month based on what the company “Five Four” thinks this customer would like.

“For $60 per month you will be receiving a package worth $120 or more, guaranteeing a savings of at least 50% every month. Shipping is included. All active club members receive an additional 25% off on our online store.” Is stated on the “Five Four” website.

This website can be found here:

Who wouldn’t want a personal stylist each month for half the price? I think this sounds like a great idea. But why isn’t there one of these for women? I would love to have this!

I think this company has many benefits for men who unfortunately are the only people who can use this service. But come on for $60 a month wouldn’t you love getting set an outfit each month that was in style? You wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of shopping or anything! You just pay and tell them what you like and the boom $120 or more outfits show up at your house each month. That my friends is what I call a good idea.

The only problem I have with this is that I WANT IT! Which is only a problem because they don’t have one for women!

If there a version of “Five Four” for women I would sign up in a heartbeat.

So if you’re a male and you are reading this I highly suggest you sign up for this.