Saturday, January 18, 2014

Exorcism, are you serious?

Have you ever seen a scary movie? For example, one about exorcism? Those movies are scary!

If you don’t know what exorcism is, it can be defined as: the driving out of evil spirits: the use of prayers or religious rituals to drive out evil spirits believed to be possessing a person or place.

In the movies usually some sort of a religious leader comes in and says a bunch of gibberish prayers and the person who the exorcism is for makes all these weird body movements and behaves in an evil manner and the evil spirits are released this way and then they are fine. However, usually in the movies the evil spirit comes back.

I personally do not know exactly what a real exorcism looks like but it probably has to do with saying prayers and ridding your body of sins and the movie version of you acting evil and doing all these distortions with your body probably does not happen.

The reason I am talking about exorcism is because recently in the news it has been reported that two women killed children but claimed they were performing an exorcism and did not mean to harm the children.

Uhm.. what?!

The article on this can be found here:

According to the article, “The women, 28-year-old Zakieya Latrice Avery and 21-year-old Monifa Denise Sanford, have told investigators that they believed evil spirits skipped successively between the bodies of the children and that an exorcism was needed to drive the demons out, said Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy.”

Seriously people? Did you watch too many scary movies or what?!

Another section of the article reads, “The women also reported to investigators that they saw the eyes of each of the children blackening and, after the intended exorcism, took a shower, cleaned up the bloody scene and "prepared the children to see God," McCarthy said. The children's two older siblings, a 5-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, were also found injured with stab wounds.”

This obviously was a murder in my opinion. These women are delusional and told police they were apart of a group called “demon assassins”. Is this real life? LOL.

These women are psychotic and I’m not the only one who thinks so. They are both being forced to take a psych test.

I hope these women are charged with murder even if they are in fact proven to be psychotic because no one in this world should be out on the streets if they think they need to rid people from their demons this way.

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