Sunday, May 11, 2014


In People Magazine’s most recent issue dated May 19, 2014, there are the usual stories and pictures of stars in extravagant dresses attending events. But this issue features another story about tragedy. This story is the cover story or the featured story. This story features Cleveland Kidnap Victim, Michelle Knight. A man who she thought she could trust held Michelle Knight captive for over eleven years. 

I will admit, People Magazine is one of my guilty pleasures. Yes it often is just a magazine about stars and singers and what they wore and who they’re dating and all the rumors and gossip about stars and people in the industry. But they also often feature stories about real people too. These people come from everyday society who overcame tragedies or did something for their community. That is my favorite part.

This recent issue about Michelle Knight was one I couldn’t stop reading. Michelle Knight was kidnapped by Ariel Castro, a man who she thought she could trust when she recognized him as the father of her friend in a store.

Ariel Castro approached Michelle Knight when she was asking for directions to a place where she needed to attend a meeting. She recognized him when he stepped up and said he knew where to go when she was asking an employee.

Ariel Castro then persuaded her into his home and locked her in a bedroom with chains coming down from the ceiling, which he locked her in. Michelle was then left alone for two days before Castro came back and raped her and then dragged her down a flight of stairs where he chained her up in his basement and came back and continued to rape her everyday after that for a year.

After about a year, Ariel Castro kidnapped a sixteen-year-old Amanda Berry and brought her into the home as well. Another year later fourteen-year-old Gina DeJesus was kidnapped as well. Gina was changed in the basement next to Michelle. The two become close in light of the tragedy.

Eleven years after Michelle was kidnapped, Amanda helped them be rescued by yelling out the front door for help.

The article is written about Michelle’s experiences while being held captive as well as an excerpt from the book she wrote about her journey.

I read this in the magazine, however I found a link to the article online, that can be found here:

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