Sunday, October 20, 2013


So when you’re sitting in fifth hour AP Lang class trying to type a blog, hoping no one can hear you jamming to Miley Cyrus in your headphones and peaking around the corner to see if the teacher can see you texting. You look through numerous different news sites to find something to write about and you just can’t find any articles that aren’t boring. Then, your life gets a little more interesting because then you see this:

“Guilty Plea in Las Vegas to Having Sex on Airplane”

And your mind goes WHAAAAAT?! That’s not a headline you see every day.

You think about how you could write a funny blog about this and you’re like no “It has to be 400 words”. And you think crap, now what I am supposed to write about.

You keep reading that article where it tells you some information you don’t think is appropriate so you stop there.

And yes that is an actual article,

Then you keep thinking about that, then you check your phone again, change the song, the school day still drags on and on… you keep thinking when can I get out of here?

And still trying to look for an article to do your blog on, you don’t want to do something about bullying or school shootings or the government shutdown because let’s face it those are depressing. All news is depressing and then you find another headline.

Then you keep looking…

Ohio Woman Charged in Theft of $2.87 From Fountain

That’s another headline you read and think what?

So you read that article:

Someone was seriously charged for three dollars of theft? Not even three dollars?


These headlines almost should have more buzz then Miley headlines.

This article in particular is short and sweet, something just to get the report out but it leaves you without a lot of thoughts.

Not thoughts like the first article where your mind is just like what is with those people? What were they thinking?
It’s more like you think, wow. This woman was so desperate for money that she went digging in a fountain for loose change. Reading this article, makes you hurt for the people that don’t have it as good as you.

I’m sitting her complaining that I have to write a blog, this woman doesn’t even have money for food.

Please if you see someone like this woman, help them.

So now, I found something to ramble on about for a little bit and I have reached over 400 words, so bye for now.

I will write soon. Be kind to people in need, and remember to always be smart (the opposite of the people in the first article).

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